- Establishing agricultural business as a major industry |
Global Star Japan Co., Ltd.
Our goal is to bridge the needs of both producers/farmers and worldwide consumers, to deliver safe and high quality produce from Japan to the world.
Japanese farmers produce the safest and the highest quality agricultural produce in the world. Is this recognized worldwide? Sadly notc Japan's agricultural industry has not, in the past, promoted enough of its high standards in both safety and quality of their produce. The main focus was only to produce high quality produce that they hoped would be enough to convince consumers. This is clearly not enough in the world we live in today. This is one of the reasons our high quality goods are not recognized and the industry has not developed as a major industry in Japan today.
Currently the agricultural industry can only sustain farmers who have been supporting the industry for generations who are established and hold major market share in the business. The industry's business model has not changed for decades; making it almost impossible for new farmers to start or develop their business in Japan. Additionally, lack of business and marketing strategies hinder further development. Japan's population decline and the population's ageing is a further impediment for even the currently successful farmers.
Creating a business model and a marketing strategy to further Japan's agricultural industry is now critical.
For domestic consumers, their choices have grown with increasing imported produce but have the quality of choices really increased? And consumers outside of Japan really have not seen what Japan can offer. Japanese farmers require more strategic marketing and promotion for their produce around the world.
Global Star Japan Co., Ltd. offers;
- What today's producers are missing; a proper business and sales entity to increase and focus on productivity and growth in both domestic and overseas markets.
- To promote and provide clear and reliable information to consumers about their produce.
Establishing a more proactive and stable industry for Japan's farmers can increase business and promote industry growth. This will benefit both producers and consumers worldwide. Our goal is to expand Japan's agricultural business by promoting the high quality standards for which Japan is already famous.
We strive towards mutual benefit for both consumers and the industry; for growth and market expansion for Japan's agricultural business.
Takumasa Sano